These are the value-packed benefits you'll receive in the program:
1) 2 biometric Insights scans ( 1 at start and 1 towards the end of program) with reports on your body systems and lifestyle areas most in need of attention and affecting your well-being. We use the measured data from your scans in tandem with the worksheets you will fill out during our 1:1 sessions.
2) 3 coaching sessions (2x90min + 1x60min) during which we will:
a) review the scan reports to uncover real information about YOU and the underlying factors and root causes that are affecting your internal body systems and lifestyle today;
b) create a strategy that you'll be confident of implementing in your current life situation to manage your stressors, & ;et up easy sustainable habits as a foundation to your ongoing well-being.
b) conduct a goal-setting mindset session using a leading edge neuroscience-based technique and aromatherapy to reduce stress and overcome blocks that are holding you back from reaching your goals.
3) A Personalised Wellness Plan in pdf format with the strategy and mindset solutions that we develop together to focus on the areas that have the most optimal impact on your well-being.
4) Your exclusive eBook guide to "Beat the Stress - 24 ways to reduce stress in a chaotic world" as stress is the #1 enemy of wellness.
5) Goal-setting and tracking worksheets.
6) Email and text support.