Sanricco is a blend of our family names, Sani and Ricchetti.
In Italian, "sano" means healthy and "ricco" means wealthy.
It represents the life of wellness and abundance that we choose, the freedom to live our choices with purpose and vision. linking arms with other families on the same path.
Read our story and vision below
Hello! I'm Rosilah science geek, entrepreneur, engineer and Information Systems business consultant turned Wellness Educator and Coach, mother to 2 gorgeous boys, Giustino and Zayan. 

Our world was turned upside down when we lost their father unexpectedly 10 days before Zayan's 1st birthday. Before long, my beloved, adopted country Italy no longer felt like home and I moved halfway across the world to Australia with a 3yo and 5yo in tow.

The next 10 years were a roller coaster of bright, happy times and deep, dark places. On the surface I was a successful career woman with a beautiful home and family. What more could I want? In reality, I was dependent on daily medications for chronic invisible health issues, struggling with relationship conflicts, work pressure, suppressed trauma, and questioning the purpose of my life, which was spiraling out of control.

If I had known then what I know now, perhaps life would have turned out different ... but then, I may not have discovered my purpose in life: 
to help other seemingly successful women, who are stuck and struggling, regain the balance, resilience, and freedom they desire to transform THEIR lives for themselves and their families. 

I found a way out of the depths and so can you! It's not a quick fix but it's achievable and sustainable, and the positive effects are immediate. 
The roller coaster was flattening out! 
Within 12 months I was no longer on medications and my energy levels were up. I had been ill since childhood, and at 59, I felt better than ever - more vibrant and positive, physically and emotionally in control - with a freedom that I had never felt before, to be my own person.

My vision for the future is inspired by my sons, who are the reason I'm here at this very moment; by the little girl I used to be, forever escaping into her fantasy world of books; and by my mother - the strongest, gentlest, most patient woman I know - whose biggest regret is not having gone to school. 

My purpose in helping women aligns with my big vision -
for all children in the world to have the best education they desire, to grow up safe, loved and protected by those around them, to become emotionally resilient adult role model themselves.  
Will you share my vision and help make it a reality?